
/ Mjatalo Lenče jabŭlka /
mjatalo i naričalo:
/ "Na komu padni jabŭlka /
za nego šŭ sa uženja."
Lenče was throwing an apple
and saying:
"Whoever the apple falls on
is the one I'll marry."
/ Jabŭlka padna na starec. /
Stareca mnogo [zaradva]
/ zasuka mustak nagorja /
[zaplati] brada nadolu.
The apple fell on an old man.
The old man [was very pleased],
curled his mustache up
and his beard down.
/ Viknalo e Lenče da plače: /
/ "O lele, mamo, mamičko,
kakvo šte pravja [to] starec?" /
Lenče burst out crying:
"Oh, Mama, Mama,
what'll I do with the old man?"
/ Majka na Lenče dumaše: /
"Ja, mŭlči, Lenče, ne plači.
/ Dŭrvari v gora šŭ idat /
i nie starec šte pratim.
Mama said to Len·ce:
"Be quiet, Len·ce, don't cry.
The woodcutters will go into the forest
and we'll send the old man (with them).
/ Dŭrvari v gora šŭ idat /
i nie starec šte pratim.
/ Dano go dŭrvo ubie, /
dano go mečki izjadat."
The woodcutters will go into the forest
and we'll send the old man.
Let's hope a tree kills him,
let's hope the bears eat him up."
/ Dŭrvari ot gora se vrŭštat /
našija starec naj-napred|
/ na ramo dŭrvo noseše /
mečka za uho vodeše!
The woodcutters are coming back from the forest,
our old man in the lead|
carrying a tree on his shoulders,
leading a bear by the ear!

Source : MIT Folk Dance Club.